(Celebrate Recovery)
5:15pm Supper
6:00pm Large Group Lesson
6:00pm Celebration Station (children of all ages)
7:00pm Small Groups
8:30am Men's Prayer Time
9:30am Lifegroups (Adult classes)
9:30am Unified 1:27 (Youth 7-12th grade)
9:30am Sunday School (1-6th grade)
9:30am Discovery (Kindergarten and younger)
10:40am Morning Worship Service
10:40am Children's Church
6:00pm Evening Worship Service
(Wednesday services dismiss at 8:00pm)
6:00-6:30pm Meal
6:30-8:00pm Wednesday Word Warriors (2 yrs through 6th grade)
6:30pm-8:00PM Discovery (Bed babies up to 1 yr old)
6:30pm-8:00 PM TBC Youth Ministries (Fellowship and recreation time 6:30-7PM) (7th to 12th grade)
7:00pm-8:00 PM Adult Bible Study